My name is François De Kock, and this is my story.

François De Kock

I’ve been a respected spiritual guide since the 1990s.

I have been quite famous as a spiritual guide in the decades of 1990 and 2000. That was before the break through of Internet, smartphones, apps, and long before the invention of the “life coach” concept. Back in the days, I have helped thousands of clients worldwide to find their way.

Many lost tracks of me in the decades that followed, when the focus on digital marketing prevailed over the deep awareness needed to coach people, and when the search for immediate information and satisfaction washed away the patience and time needed to reconnect with what is essential in life.

At that time I also became a father, which put my professional activities in the background for a while. Then came the Covid pandemic and the economic crisis which threw the world into disarray.

Now I’m back, on the one hand with the tailor-made guidance that you read on this site, and on the other hand as a member of an international authors' collective called “The tripod”.

This is my story in a nutshell

I was born in the womb of a narcissist mother within a toxic family. This conditioned my intake on life in a harsh but unconscious way. I experienced my youth as being filled with meaninglessness. I found happiness whenever I managed to escape my surroundings. Music was the main key to my sanity and to uplifting emotions. I did not fully understand the ongoing impact of narcissism on my wellbeing until I passed the sixty years mark, and after three decades of a determined and continuous spiritual search.

During 20 years, I had made a living of my hobby. I evolved from amateur music journalist and disc jockey (the term of DJ was not in use yet) into a long career in a famous multinational U.S. music record company. I have witnessed the switch from vinyl records to CDs. The evolution into the digital era came later. My encounters with many artists and managers were my greatest joys in that period.

When I realized that I was stuck in a dead-end street, I started to search for new ventures thru therapy, astrology and later a full-fledged spiritual journey. Very fast, I became myself a spiritual guide and advisor in a period when that was not yet fashionable. My interest was still labelled as parapsychology, and the best spiritual guides were still called gurus. I must have created one of the very first Internet sites devoted to self-development, and I became famous (in French speaking territories) with the creation of a one-year non-stop workshop called “My 12 works of Hercules” based on the assimilation of the energies of the 12 zodiac signs.

I have never ceased to learn and to integrate multiple spiritual approaches with the best teachers and fellow searchers I could find, while at the same time encountering the most incredible toxic abuses every time I made a huge positive progress. I have lived so far the most intense yin-and-yang life I would never have guessed in advance.

This is my life now

Today, society rules say that I am retired. I have worked so hard on my past lives that I am now actively preparing the next one. I live with my beloved dog in a flat countryside with endless and ever-changing skies. I have a great relationship with my daughter, who always could count on all my care and attention. I am part of an international writers collective called “The tripod”, with whom I am writing books on self-development, together specializing in the journey of the victims to narcissistic abuse and the preys to energetic vampires.


I still guide old and new clients into making the right choices for their lives. Over the years, I have understood an important fact: I cannot help clients who resist against making choices. But I do help tremendously those who dare to align their lives with their higher purpose.

And this is my highest priority

I engage with people and resources with whom I have a good match, particularly when our choices are in everyone’s best interests. As I’ve put out this intention to the Universe, I seem to attract exactly those kind of people.

So, if this rings a bell to you, let’s get in touch and we will figure out the rest together.

The white egret is a spiritual symbol of good fortune, prosperity, new beginnings, wealth, and wisdom. This pic by Ted Erski via Pixabay.

The white egret is a spiritual symbol of good fortune, prosperity, new beginnings, wealth, and wisdom. This pic by Ted Erski via Pixabay.